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Promotion Case

Promotion against various posts is sort of routine in all the offices. Some use fast-track promotion or some use seniority of the officers in that particular cadre. Here we take example of promotion case of Superintendent (BS-16) from the post of Assistant (BS-14). There will always be some rule specified to consider and process such promotion cases. 

Now, let's suppose, a post of Superintendent (BS-16) becomes vacant in a Government Department. We start by a note to high ups intimating them about the promotion case. Usually, the post of Superintendent is required to be filled in 100% promotion, which means the post is entirely for an Assistant to fill.

In note, we inform high ups about the reason of the vacant post i.e. (Retirement, Death, Transfer, Termination or Resignation from the service), Rules and Regulations, and Committee for such cases. 

Note can be perused as under:-

A post of Superintendent has just fallen vacant due to retirement of its incumbent from the government service on 31.10.2014. The same is required to be filled in through departmental promotion.
In this connection, it is stated that the post of the Superintendent (BS-16) is required to be filled in 100% by promotion from amongst the senior most Assistants (BS-14) of this Ministry.
  The composition of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) is as under:-
                        Head of the Department                     Chairman
                        Director (Admn)                                 Member
                        Desk Officer                                       Member/Secretry
 Head of the Department, being Chairman of the Committee is requested to convey a date and time convenient to hold the meeting of DPC to consider the promotion case against the vacant post of Superintendent (BS-16).
Note that, Committee above, can be of different composition depending upon the structure of that Ministry/Division/Department. Working Paper, Seniority Lists and Annual Confidential Report's Synopsis are mostly prepared after HOD conveys approval and date/time to convene the meeting.

Image Can be seen as under:-


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