Photography and Tutorials

Find, Replace and Go-To

Find, Replace and Go-To Options

Now let's cover Lesson No.6 of MS Word where, we will quickly learn how to find or replace one particular word in a huge word document

Shortcut Keys

Generally there is one short cut key used to open the dialogue box which is Ctrl + F

Now Let's see the little tutorial about it. It is like so easy.

  • Open MS Word. 
  • Write a single Line of Text
  • I have used the sentence used while learning the typing which is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
  • Now copy the text and start pasting it.  filled the whole page with the said sentence.

  • Now, that you have done the above exercise Use the shortcut keys mentioned above for practice.
  • Click on Edit > Find OR Replace OR Go to or Use shortcut key Ctrl + F to open the dialogue box highlighted in red circle.

  • Now type in the required word you want to find and then click on Find. For more Options click on "more" tab to explore other features of the Control + Find and Go To.
  • Go to is used to Jump on a particular page without scrolling down.
  • and Replace option is used to Find and Replace one particular word with another.


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